Save our watersheds

In case you missed it: From October 2015


Regarding your article by Supervisor Luce on Oct. 17 ("Vineyards also offer environmental benefits”): I am not anti-wine industry, but am anti-destruction of our watershed and forest.

The valley floor has reached its capacity in vineyards. If we continue to destroy our watershed, it will be detrimental to our citizens and the wine industry.

I have numerous neighbors whose springs and wells have gone dry. They have gone dry due to the wine industry clear-cutting the forest. I see the tanker trucks hauling water to the vineyards.

I think we can all agree we need water to survive.

Mark Twain said “Whisky is for drinking, water is for fighting.” Let’s not fight; save our watersheds from destruction.

It’s a no-brainer.

Mel Boybosa