In his recent letter to the editor, Mr. Stuart Smith expressed his views on Measure C, the Oak Woodland Initiative. He wrote the initiative discriminates against “an entire group of stakeholders” and “is anti-agriculture in a right-to-farm county.” He accuses Measure C supporters of trying to seize the watershed rights of others, so they can have more water themselves.
Threatening our water security should be illegal
Property rights are not absolute and never have been. The principal constraint on what you can do is what harm that activity might visit upon your neighbors. If what you do on your land harms the value of others’ property or causes them harm, then you can’t do it. The logic and reason are simple to appreciate, and it protects us all.
This measure is for all of us
We have an exciting opportunity this June to protect and even restore a resource that has been eroded through prioritizing the short-term self interests of a few while sacrificing the long term interests of all.
St. Helena mayor Alan Galbraith favors Measure C
I favor Measure C. This can come as no surprise. I advocated for the comparable measure two years ago. This included participation in a short film promotion.
Save our watersheds
Mark Twain said “Whisky is for drinking, water is for fighting.” Let’s not fight; save our watersheds from destruction.
Wine or Water: Voters will choose
Our everyday kind of citizen should be very concerned that this “one-industry county,” which used to be a farming community, is now controlled by the few powerful and rich voices who are concerned about personal profit above shared public resources like water.
Napa League responds to letter about watershed initiative
Supported by the U.S. and California Leagues’ long-standing positions on protecting water resources and land conservation, including watersheds, the Napa County League voted to support Measure C, the Watershed and Oak Woodland Protection Initiative.
Initiative will preserve our water resources
Fortunately for all of us, a very responsible and respected group of our growers and vintners have stepped forward to praise and recommend a 'yes' vote for the Watershed initiative.
For the right reasons, revisited
I remain steadfast in seeking preservation of natural valued Napa hillsides. I do support Measure C, the Watershed and Oak Woodland Protection Initiative of 2018. Over 7,000 voters have requested it be placed on the June ballot. I invite others to find their courage for Measure C and vote 'yes.'
Rethinking self interest on initiatives
The Napa Valley has reached the tipping point where maximizing shortsighted self interest at the expense of the whole diminishes its return.