What does                  Measure C do?

  •  It increases the area around from streams and wetlands where trees and vegetation can't be cut or disturbed. This helps keep pesticides, herbicides and other chemicals as well as sediment out of our water supply.
  • It Increases the oak replacement requirements when trees are cut from the current 2-to-1 to 3-to-1 (requiring 3 trees planted or preserved for everyone cut). 
  • It sets a limit on the acres of oak woodland that can be removed for vineyard development, the primary cause of clearcutting oak woodlands in the AWOS zoning district. The limit of 795 acres was determined in conjunction with the Napa Valley Vintners to align with County General Plan estimates of near-term vineyard development. Once this limit is reached, the county would enact a permit system for oak removal. (Currently all cities in the County have tree removal permit systems.)

Where does    Measure C apply?

Measure C only applies to land in Napa County’s Agricultural Watershed zoning district. 

The Ag Watershed is primarily the hillside areas away from the Valley floor and parts of Carneros.  It applies to parcels of one acre and above, but most of the parcels in this zone are 40-160 acres and cannot be subdivided per Napa County’s Measure J.

Isn't Napa County already highly regulated?            Why do we need more regulation?

This measure is a natural complement to Napa County’s Agricultural Preserve. It puts essential regulations in place to protect the water supply that both the wine industry and local residents rely upon. The County government is in the habit of giving the green light for mass clearing of oak woodlands to make way for new vineyards. This measure is designed to protect the Agricultural Watershed zone lands, which is the source of our local water supply.

The current regulations have not stopped deforestation for projects such as Walt ranch, where 14,000 trees will be removed with County approval. Current regulations have also not prevented the Napa River from continuing to be listed as impaired for sediment. Current regulations have not stopped the State Water Board from upgrading Napa’s aquifers status from medium concern to high. That’s why Measure C is so important.